The Vera Corazón School for Underprivileged Girls is inspired by the vision of a group of philanthropic individuals who have a passion for creating high quality educational opportunities for youth who come from challenging situations. While youth living in poverty worldwide are often forced to attend under-achieving public schools that lack ample resources and attention, girls in particular often face another set of obstacles and challenges that prevent them from obtaining a quality education or preparing them for a brighter future.
The founding committee behind the Vera Corazón School seeks to create an ideal learning environment, in which students not only benefit from instruction in regular subjects (such as mathematics, social science, science, etc.), but supplementary education in English, IT/computers, leadership, & entrepreneurship and participation in a wide range of extracurricular activities. The young women who are chosen to attend this school will thus have the chance to enjoy a top-notch education that prepares them for the modern working world and enables them to become leaders, entrepreneurs, and change-makers within their own communities.
In seeking a nonprofit implementing partner for this school, the committee found that their vision synced perfectly with the mission of the LA-based nonprofit organization Visions Global Empowerment ( Visions is now spearheading this initiative and is concurrently working on launching a new e-Learning Program at a handful of nearby rural schools.